The 6G-XR project’s deliverable D1.1 introduces a trial use case, UC5, titled “Energy Measurement Framework for Energy Sustainability. ” It aims to optimise end-to-end energy consumption using accurate data collection and local renewable energy for XR applications. It outlines an initial design for an energy optimisation platform, including KPIs and KVIs for evaluation.
The figure below illustrates the high-level architecture, with a communication module serving as a central controller for orchestration and control, facilitating data exchange among various components, including solar energy systems (Photovoltaic (PV) modules), system power supply units (PSUs), the base station system module, and remote radio heads (RRHs). Energy measurement devices (e.g., Carlo Gavazzi meters) measured the energy consumption for RAN and Core, Edge/Media Server, and Solar Energy Systems (PV modules, sensors). Historical data collected every 5 minutes and weather forecasts aid ML training for optimising energy-efficient solutions (e.g., dynamically adjusting base station parameters (through the Network Exposure Function, NEF), heating, ventilation, Air conditioning, and energy source usage).
Potential energy efficiency KPIs for the end-to-end communication path are defined, including CO2, total energy consumed, energy savings, and energy efficiency (see table below).

D1.1 also outlines functional requirements (e.g., including energy consumption data, internal usage reports, ML/DL algorithms for optimisation, and dynamic operational parameters) and non-functional requirements (e.g., providing open interfaces, dynamic reconfigurations, energy measurement, local renewable energy usage, and power-saving triggers).
Relevance for EXIGENCE
The KPIs definitions are relevant for requirements and scenarios, architecture and energy metrics. The initial architecture and method are relevant for energy measurements, data collection, orchestration and energy optimisation.