
Future Energy Consumption Ecosystem with 6G

Why is a holistic view of 6G and energy crucial? Dive with us into our D1.1 - “Energy Consumption Ecosystem”, as we explain how understanding the ecosystem is key to achieving energy efficiency in the 6G era.

Development of EXIGENCE Energy Consumption, Efficiency, and Carbon Footprint Metrics 

EXIGENCE is developing cutting-edge energy consumption, efficiency, and carbon footprint metrics for next-gen mobile networks and services. Learn how we are driving sustainability in the world of ICT.

EXIGENCE Unveils Its Use Cases

In an era where every action counts, EXIGENCE is not just looking at how to serve end-users; it is redefining how the entire ICT ecosystem can reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption. EXIGENCE identified use cases highlighting both the challenges and tremendous opportunities that lie ahead!

