International association for media and technology (DPP)


The DPP is the international association for media and technology. Its aim is to bring the industry together to address the technology and operational needs of media businesses, providing member companies with the insight and connections they need to do business better. The DPP believes that openness, collaboration, and shared insight are key to success in a complex media environment in which no company can do everything itself.


DPP aims to bring the industry together to address media companies’ technological and operational needs. It has a specific sustainability program called “The DPP Committed to Sustainability”, an industry-leading scheme that celebrates and promotes good practices in environmental sustainability across the media industry. The program addresses the growing concern about climate change of many players in the media industry, who are realising the need to play their part in improving the sustainability of their industry. The program provides a practical tool for assessing organisational progress against key environmental measures and a common framework for procurement teams to evaluate the environmental impact of their suppliers. It enables companies to better understand their current situation and demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement.

A fee is required to join the DPP association.

Relevance for EXIGENCE

Membership in the DPP association can help the dissemination of project results to a specific audience, since a large part of the associate members are of diverse nature, such as an international network of media, technology, and services companies. Currently, the DPP community has more than 500 associated companies. This document has relevance to dissemination and exploitation as they will leverage this network to ensure visibility and engagement.

Currently, the DPP community has more than 500 associated companies.
