ISO provides over 22 000 Standards; more than 200 are related to energy efficiency and renewables, with many more in development. Energy efficiency and renewables-related standards cover multiple fields of interest, such as energy management, environmental management, transport, buildings, industrial products and processes, renewables, and IT. Most standards that might interest EXIGENCE can be found within the IT section of energy efficiency and renewables-related standards. The majority of IT-related standards target data centres. As ISO documents are payable (with abstracts only available for free), evaluating every document’s relevance for EXIGENCE has been limited to only checking abstracts.
Standards, potentially relevant for EXIGENCE, are summarised below (based on standards’ Abstracts only):
- ISO/IEC 19395:2015 Information technology — Sustainability for and by information technology — Smart data centre resource monitoring and control
- ISO/IEC TR 20913:2016 Information technology — Data centres — Guidelines on holistic investigation methodology for data centre key performance indicators
- ISO/IEC 22237-3:2021 Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures, Part 3: Power distribution
- ISO/IEC TR 23050:2019 Information technology — Data centres — Impact on data centre resource metrics of electrical energy storage and export
- ISO/IEC 23544:2021 Information Technology — Data centres — Application Platform Energy Effectiveness (APEE)
- ISO/IEC TR 30132-1:2016 Information technology — Information technology sustainability — Energy efficient computing models, Part 1: Guidelines for energy effectiveness evaluation
- ISO/IEC 30134 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators
- ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators — Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE)
- ISO/IEC 30134-3:2016 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators — Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF)
- ISO/IEC 30134-4:2017 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators — Part 4: IT Equipment Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv
- ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators — Part 5: IT Equipment Utilization for servers (ITEUsv)
- ISO/IEC 30134-6:2021 Information technology — Data centres key performance indicators — Part 6: Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
- Draft standard: ISO/IEC WD TS 20125 Digital Services Ecodesign
- ISO 14026:2017 Environmental labels and declarations — Principles, requirements and guidelines for communication of footprint information
ISO/IEC 19395:2015 Information technology — Sustainability for and by information technology — Smart data centre resource monitoring and control
In short: definition of data messages for exchanging energy consumption-related data among various data centre resources
Data centre operation requires managing storage, computation, communication, electrical energy, and temperature to achieve the required quality of service and efficiency parameters. Often, however, the separate management of Information Technology (IT), electrical energy (or power), and cooling Resource islands yields a sub-optimal result.
This standard provides Messages that facilitate integrated or “smart” monitoring and control of Resources in those islands. The Messages are exchanged between the Management Function and Resources. The International Standard acknowledges that those Resources may be composed of other Resources (e.g., a rack may contain servers, ventilators, etc.). In addition, those servers may be viewed from their computing, energy consumption, or dissipation aspects, which these International standards model as Resource Components and group into IT, power, and fluid Domains, respectively.
In the Smart Data Centre, Management Functions monitor and control Resources. Resources model IT and facility equipment, systems, and components in a data centre. To monitor and control the Resources’ Properties, Management Functions exchange command, response, or event Messages with Resources. Resources are made up of Resource Components, which share Properties with classes in Common Information Models (CIM). Messages refer to Resources and their Properties. Messages are encoded in XML and exchanged in HTTP primitives.
ISO/IEC TR 20913:2016 Information technology — Data centres — Guidelines on holistic investigation methodology for data centre key performance indicators
In short: methodology on (holistic) evaluation data centres resource energy efficiency where multiple KPIs need to be considered (e.g, variation of “spider diagram”).
The ISO/IEC 30134 series defines key performance indicators (KPIs) for data centre resource effectiveness. Many aspects must be considered to improve data centre resource effectiveness (air conditioning, power supply, servers, storage, and network equipment). However, it is difficult to include all aspects into one KPI, so multiple KPIs are under development, which measures each aspect of resource effectiveness improvement. Resource effectiveness improvement in each aspect will be performed by measuring each KPI. On the other hand, there is a need to observe the state and trend of the data centre as a whole, or holistically, by monitoring multiple KPIs in a single view. Therefore, the document discusses the usefulness of holistic investigation methodology in terms of aggregating a KPI across different contexts, aggregation of two or more KPIs within a single context, aggregation of two or more KPIs across multiple contexts, and aggregation of multiple KPIs into a single indicator. This document presents a conventional spider web chart-based data centre KPIs status observation method and a control chart method including the upper bound and lower bound of the operational status of KPIs. This document presents SWOT analysis results for both methodologies. The methods described in this document are aimed at self-monitoring a data centre, not comparison among data centres.
ISO/IEC 21031:2024 Software Carbon Intensity Specification
This document describes a methodology for calculating the rate of carbon emissions for a software system; that is, its SCI score. The purpose of this score is to increase awareness and transparency of an application’s sustainability credentials. The score will help software practitioners make better, evidence-based decisions during system design, development, and deployment, ultimately minimising carbon emissions. A reliable, consistent, fair and comparable measure allows targets to be defined during development and progress to be tracked.
See ISO/IEC 21031:2024 – Information technology — Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) specification
ISO/IEC 22237-3:2021 Information technology — Data center facilities and infrastructures, Part 3: Power distribution
This document addresses power supplies to, and power distribution within, data centres based upon the criteria and classifications for “availability”, “physical security” and “energy efficiency enablement” within ISO/IEC 22237‑1. What might be potentially of interest for EXIGENCE is the section on devices for the measurement of the power consumption and power quality characteristics at points along the power distribution system and their integration within management tools.
ISO/IEC TR 23050:2019 Information technology — Data centers — Impact on data center resource metrics of electrical energy storage and export
In short: potentially interesting for cases where a stakeholder produces its own (green) power.
This document describes how to treat data centre metrics in circumstances where electrical energy is stored and exported from within the data centre boundaries of other standards in the ISO/IEC 30134 series. The document provides the Excess Electrical Energy Factor (XEEF) as a metric to indicate the weight of this mechanism within the data centre energy balance.
This document deals with the storage and export of electrical energy, whatever form of storage is used (e.g., it could also serve as a model to handle a similar process of storage and export of non-electrical energy, such as chilled water thermal energy).
A holistic suite of metrics is required to determine a data centre’s overall resource efficiency. Therefore, this document complements the series of KPIs conforming to ISO/IEC 30134-1.
ISO/IEC 23544:2021 Information Technology — Data centers — Application Platform Energy Effectiveness (APEE)
This document introduces a KPI for the energy effectiveness of an entire application platform (no such KPI exists within ISO/IEC 30134) – energy effectiveness KPI considers calculating the energy effectiveness of a combination of target IT equipment, operating systems and middleware (middleware – e.g., database management system). A typical use case of application platform energy effectiveness (APEE) is a criterion for procuring an energy-efficient application platform for an IT service. The energy effectiveness of application platforms can be significantly improved by selecting middleware.
The KPI evaluates the energy consumption of an application platform before deployment. Its purpose is to measure the energy effectiveness of a set of target IT equipment, operating systems, and middleware to enable the selection of an energy-effective IT stack. The document specifies a formula for calculating APEE and defines its components.
This document specifies a measurement method for assessing and reporting the energy effectiveness of an application platform, as well as requirements for benchmarks to be used for APEE and reporting.
ISO/IEC TR 30132-1:2016 Information technology — Information technology sustainability — Energy efficient computing models, Part 1: Guidelines for energy effectiveness evaluation
The ISO/IEC 30132 series provides guidelines for evaluating the energy effectiveness of a reference computing model end-to-end and suggestions for determining its energy effectiveness. This document comprises guidelines for energy effectiveness evaluation, including a reference computing model that includes end-to-end data transfer, processing, and storage.
ISO/IEC TR 30132-1:2016 establishes guidelines for improving the energy effectiveness of computing models. Specifically, this document provides:
- a reference computing model for evaluating end-to-end energy effectiveness,
- a holistic framework for evaluating the applicability of energy effectiveness improving technologies,
- and guidelines for evaluating energy effectiveness.
Series of standards ISO/IEC 30134 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators
Introduces key performance indicators (KPIs) that cover the effective use of resources (including but not limited to energy) and the reduction of CO2 emissions essential. I.e., the standards do not explicitly address energy consumption measurements but rather focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of resource usage.
Within the ISO/IEC 30134 series, the term “resource usage effectiveness” is more generally used for KPIs in preference to “resource usage efficiency”, which is restricted to situations where the input and output parameters used to define the KPI have the same units.
To enable the optimum resource effectiveness of data centres, a suite of effective KPIs is needed to measure and report on resources consumed and develop an improvement roadmap. The ISO/IEC 30134 series is intended to accelerate the provision of operational infrastructures with improved resource usage effectiveness.
The common objective of the KPIs is the effective or efficient use of resources. Examples are as follows:
- the minimisation of energy and other resource (e.g. water) consumption;
- the task effectiveness of the IT load (data processing, storage and transport) within the data centre, maximising the IT output with the minimum energy consumption;
- the energy reuse in the form of waste heat, if possible;
- the use of renewable energy, both generated on-site and off-site.
The ISO/IEC 30134 series does not specify limits or targets for any KPI and does not describe or imply unless specifically stated, any form of aggregation of individual KPIs into a combined or overall KPI for data centre resource usage effectiveness or efficiency.
ISO/IEC 30134 specifies the following for the other parts of ISO/IEC 30134 (see below):
- a common structure;
- definitions, terminology and boundary conditions for KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency;
- common requirements for KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency;
- common objectives for KPIs of the data centre resource effectiveness and efficiency;
- general information regarding the use of KPIs of data center resource usage effectiveness and efficiency.
ISO/IEC 30134 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators:
- Part 1: Overview and general requirements
- ISO/IEC 30134-1:2016 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 1: Overview and general requirements
- ISO/IEC 30134-1:2016/Amd 1:2018 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 1: Overview and general requirements — Amendment 1
- Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE)
- ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE)
- defines the power usage effectiveness (PUE) of a data center,
- introduces PUE measurement categories,
- describes the relationship of this KPI to a data center’s infrastructure, information technology equipment and information technology operations,
- defines the measurement, the calculation and the reporting of the parameter,
- provides information on the correct interpretation of the PUE.
- PUE derivatives are described in Annex D.
- ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016/Amd 1:2018 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE) — Amendment 1
- ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 2: Power usage effectiveness (PUE)
- Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF)
- ISO/IEC 30134-3:2016 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF)
- defines the renewable energy factor (REF) of a data center,
- specifies a methodology to calculate and to present the REF, and
- provides information on the correct interpretation of the REF.
- ISO/IEC 30134-3:2016/Amd 1:2018 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF) — Amendment 1
- ISO/IEC 30134-3:2016 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 3: Renewable energy factor (REF)
- Part 4: IT equipment energy efficiency for servers (ITEE)
- ISO/IEC 30134-4:2017 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 4: IT Equipment Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv)
- specifies Information Technology Equipment Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv), a key performance indicator (KPI) which quantifies the energy efficiency characteristics of servers in a data center. ITEEsv can be calculated using a choice of pre-existing or context specific server performance benchmarks. ITEEsv intends to assist in improving the aggregate energy effectiveness of servers in a given data center. Specifically, ISO/IEC 30314-4:2017:
- defines ITEEsv;
- describes the purpose of ITEEsv;
- describes how to use ITEEsv;
- describes reporting of ITEEsv.
- ISO/IEC 30134-4:2017/CD Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 4: IT Equipment Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv) — Amendment 1
- ISO/IEC 30134-4:2017 Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 4: IT Equipment Energy Efficiency for servers (ITEEsv)
- Part 5: IT equipment utilization for servers (ITEU_SV)
- ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017 Information technology — Data centres — Key performance indicators — Part 5: IT Equipment Utilization for servers (ITEUsv)
- ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017 specifies the IT Equipment Utilization for servers (ITEUsv) as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to quantify the utilization of servers in a data center. ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017 is intended as a KPI for improving the aggregate energy efficiency of servers in a given data center. Specifically, ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017
- describes the purposes of ITEUsv,
- defines ITEUsv in a conceptual manner,
- describes how to use ITEUsv, and
- describes reporting of ITEUsv.
- ISO/IEC 30134-5:2017/CD Information technology — Data centers — Key performance indicators — Part 5: IT Equipment Utilization for servers (ITEUsv) — Amendment 1
- Part 6: Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
- ISO/IEC 30134-6:2021 Information technology — Data centers key performance indicators — Part 6: Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
- This document specifies the energy reuse factor (ERF) as a KPI to quantify the reuse of the energy consumed in a data center. ERF is defined as the ratio of energy being reused divided by the sum of all energy consumed in a data centre. The ERF reflects the reuse process’s efficiency; the reuse process is not part of a data center.
- ISO/IEC 30134-6:2021 Information technology — Data centers key performance indicators — Part 6: Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)
- Part 7: Cooling efficiency ratio (CER)
- ISO/IEC 30134-7:2023 Information technology — Data centers key performance indicators — Part 7: Cooling efficiency ratio (CER)
- Part 8: Carbon usage effectiveness (CUE)
- ISO/IEC 30134-8:2022 Information technology — Data centers key performance indicators — Part 8: Carbon usage effectiveness (CUE)
- Part 9: Water usage effectiveness (WUE)
- ISO/IEC 30134-9:2022 Information technology — Data centres key performance indicators — Part 9: Water usage effectiveness (WUE)
Draft: ISO/IEC WD TS 20125 Digital Services Ecodesign
This document describes a methodology, tools, techniques, and best practices for reducing digital services’ environmental impacts. It also explains the important steps to be addressed when gathering requirements, designing (functional and technical), implementing, running, maintaining, and decommissioning a digital service that can help reduce environmental impacts. Digital services typically include servers, networks, terminals (Desktop or laptop computers, tablets or smartphones), and software.
ISO 14026:2017 Environmental labels and declarations — Principles, requirements and guidelines for communication of footprint information
The document provides requirements and guidelines for communicating environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts of a product related to a specific area of concern. Its aim is to ensure that only valid, science-based, and comparable purchasing information is provided without any “greenwashing.”
Footprint communication is intended solely to promote the dissemination of credible, non-misleading product information. Footprint communications take into consideration the local or regional context relevant to the area where the potential environmental impacts might occur, including the production, use, and end-of-life stages.
This document is intended to ensure that all footprint communications, regardless of the quantification methodology, follow the same principles and procedures. It does not address the quantification of a footprint, nor does it address the communication of footprints that are not related to the environment, e.g., footprints addressing social or economic issues.
Relevance for EXIGENCE
Identified and summarised ISO standards could be potentially helpful in technical work, as well as for business related topics (incentives, financial evaluation of energy efficiency, etc.).
Potentially relevant ISO topics include identification of what energy consumption measurement methods are already standardised and what energy efficiency related KPIs exists, how are energy consumption data exchanged in standardised way, how energy efficiency can be evaluated, how self-produced energy should be considered in the scope of energy efficiency of the system, what are existing standard models for evaluation of end-to-end energy efficiency, etc.