Vision & Mission
The general ambition of EXIGENCE is to verifiably improve the net energy consumption and, with it, the carbon footprints of ICT services in the context of next-generation mobile systems (6G).
Even though previous and current generations (4G, 5G) have efficiently reduced radio power consumption (W/ kbps), the ongoing digitization of the society at large continuously transforms economic and technical realities in the telecommunications landscape. This results in an increased power consumption and greenhouse gas (CO2e) emissions that are not sustainable.
With EXIGENCE, we pursue the goal of measurable reduction of energy consumption/carbon footprint of delivered, typical ICT services. Herein, we do not stop after one iteration, but rather analyse and leverage farther-reaching consequences.
Our Ambitions

Enabling service-level sustainability measurements across different domains
Solving the technological part of interdomain measurement challenges in a way that is societally acceptable in the current ICT service ecosystem is the primary ambition of this project.
Our first project objective is the conception, design and prototype implementation of a system, to be validated at TRL 4, capable of reliably assessing energy consumption/carbon footprint equivalents (CO2e) of the use phase of an ICT service execution/provisioning over all involved domains, potentially of different tenants.

Enabling service provisioning and service invocation resource optimisations
Finding suitable, working mechanisms for energy/carbon footprint optimisation of the service provisioning within and across domains would allow more efficient service use phase instantiations, limiting running expenditures of all kinds but also allowing to limit infrastructural footprints.

Fair responsibility attribution
Positioning users as pivotal active elements in the overall reduction of the energy and carbon footprint of ICT services, and to create sound economic models and incentives for the latter closes the gap from purely technological to societal and economic considerations and is the sine qua non condition to avoid the famous rebound effects.